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What We Do

Sunday Morning Worship & Classes

Sunday morning worship is the primary gathering in the life of the College Church. Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Classes for all ages follow at 11:15. During the week, there are regular gatherings for teens, young adults, women, men, and other various small group meetings. Then there are occasional retreats and getaways for numerous groups.

We’ve designed gatherings and activities to encourage and equip people. Why?

First, it’s not easy to make godly choices in our daily lives. We all need a regular boost. Second, many of us are involved in special activities of ministry and service beyond our normal routines. These include helping the homeless, volunteering in schools, assisting global mission works and serving our community in various ways.

We also host annual events that bring people together from all over the region and the community

Our annual Trunk or Treat is like a giant neighborhood block party. It’s nearly always on October 31 from 5:30-7:30. Our members are also active in community food distributions, local school tutoring, and in providing other vital assitance to our local schools and neighborhood.