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Building our Vision in 2022

Like with most churches, the Covid-19 pandemic was a hard reset for our church. We saw people come and go. We added new leaders. We went online with our worship gatherings. We refreshed the way we think about doing church.

Beyond these important, visible changes, the Spirit of God was at work among us. God has been leading us toward a new season of relational health and outreach. We are growing in the Spirit as God transforms us from the inside out.

As part of this transformation, we have embraced a new mission and vision for the future. Our mission, “Building healthy relationships as we join God’s Kingdom work,” is a statement rooted in the narrative of our church, a church that began on what was the north side of Fresno in 1964.

Our vision for the future involves a renewed investment in four areas: service, including others, being multigenerational, and holistic growth.

We encourage you to grow our healthy relationships together as we join God’s Kingdom work.